
An Easier Alternative To Cloth Diapers Called Gdiapers

Maybe you have or maybe you have not heard of gDiapers. If you haven't, they are a new type of diaper that can be flushed down the toilet that has gained a lot of popularity as environmental issues are becoming more and more discussed in main stream media. When I first received the gDiaper starter kit, I was a bit confused about how to use them. I figured that others might be in the same boat as I was so I thought I would write an article about the steps needed to use them.
 The gDiapers consist of a plastic free flushable refill that consists of biodegradable tree farm fluff pulp material and a super absorber, and a organic cotton outerpant that is washable, reusable, and available in a wide range of colors for either a boy or girl. It is available in colors such as lavender, green, blue and pink. They are designed for use by either gender, which also makes it a very versatile diaper.
 The minor, but possibly confusing part of the process is the removal and disposal of the flushable refill. Here a some steps to removing and getting rid of them:
 When you remove the refill, you will notice that it has perforations on the edges. This is where you want to tear it open to remove its contents. The reason you want to tear the flushable is that you want to allow all the contents to fall into the toilet separate from the refill itself. The super absorber contain within the refill holds a lot of fluid and may get trapped in the pouch. If it's not ripped open and removed separate, it may lead to a clog in the toilet and lead to more of a mess and time wasted cleaning up than you bargained for.
 After doing step one, you will then throw it in the toilet and use the included swish stick to stir it up and break it up.
 This last step is easy...flush. That's it really. No odors, no mess, and no garbage.
 This product is really a nice alternative to disposable brands. If you follow these easy steps, then using gDiapers will really be a pleasure and guilt free.
 gDiapers are a great alternative to other disposable diapers. They are an excellent solution to the large environmental burden placed on our landfills. Plus, for those already environmentally conscious, gDiaper products offer a lot more convenience versus the use of cloth diapers. You now have an option to be environmentally friendly with your diaper choice.

Read More: http://alvababy123.inube.com/blog/1666681/a-wonderful-fresh-toddler-present-basket/

