
The Advantages of Disposable Liners For Cloth Diapers

For those parents that decide to go the cloth diaper route, disposable liners for cloth diapers are often one of the accessories that are on the top of the "must have" list. In the "old days" using cloth diapers meant that when the baby used the bathroom the actual diaper would be soiled, in many cases to the point where it could no longer be used.
Fortunately, somewhere along the way some smart person came up with the idea of disposable liners for cloth diapers. Some of the more commonly talked about advantages include:
Easier clean up - Because the liners are disposable, you simply have to take them off and dispose of them. No soaking, scrubbing, or washing them. For many parents this alone makes them a must have.
Prevents rashes - It's been shown that using disposable liners actually reduces the instances of diaper rash in babies. Because the material doesn't completely absorb your babies waste, it also doesn't saturate on your baby's skin, which is in most cases the culprit of rashes.
Varied sizes - Whether you have a big baby or a small babe, most brands of disposable liners offer a variety of sizes to make sure that you get the perfect fit. This increases the comfort level for your baby and ensures that the cloth diaper or the liner doesn't irritate their skin.
Like anything else though, there are some negatives. In the case of disposable liners there is one big one though, and that is the fact that in instances the method of disposal that most people choose is to flush them. While they are able to be flushed down the toilet, there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it.
If you simply throw it in and flush it right away, there is a good chance that you could end up with a clogged commode. This is because the material is so durable that it doesn't become flexible enough to go through your pipes when it is first introduced to water. Instead, it's recommended that you leave it lay in the water for at least a couple of minutes before you flush. This ensures that the material in the disposable liners becomes soft and mushy enough to go down your drainage system without clogging it up. If you have an older septic, it's advised that you never flush them. Instead, collect them all in a trash bag and dispose of them as you would other waste.
If you are going the cloth route, disposable liners for cloth diapers are definitely an accessory that you are going to need in your diaper bag and in your home. It is however wise to research the different brands and their instructions for use to ensure a positive experience for both you and your baby.

Read More: http://onourtown.com/zengyanwei123/2012/08/30/the-baby-tote-diaper-totes-adapt-towards-your-child-desires/

