
"Diablo 3" monk passive skill in parsing

First of all, I put the monk passive skills are divided into: defense to, to diablo 3 items attack and auxiliary to 3 kinds big.
1. The defense to

Later reduced injury strong skills, and the barbarian endurance and armor, should be free of injury late melee the key to keep better than remote, and, of course, the natural 30%, if in the later in the single model, I think I'll choose this passive priority.

The injury is greater than the effect from the other, but later in a single mode grasp the initiative back over it, and the specific data don't forget it... Moreover, it also needs to attack to the limit, I think in hell, that remote strange purgatory giant nb cases, the effect of it at a discount. But in the group mode it for the team to better than other contribution and.......

The effect of this from injury dodge it is difficult to estimate, it is the advantage of can flash dizzy, slow down, and all kinds of effect, weakness is not stable, because many monks based on special effects so it in the evasion of the build play not lower, as for the effect of both weapons earnings, will see later equipment.

This is my most don't see good minus injury passive... Need to crit rate reached 50% to the way of and guardian, flat is to pursue limit unless dodge, or some poor, I always want to change is crit chance to dodge increase of 30% this much good... After all, is the only one in physical monk career did not increase crit passive

The skills of the income it's hard to say, too dependent on equipment, and consider its unlock levels, when the effect of cultivation it may not expectations, may not grasp the initiative, because it is hard to lift the single resistance as well as DPS, when equipped accumulation to certain degree may reflect the value.
2. To attack

The attack of the monk to passive skill rarely, and description of the not clear, this make a person very depressed... Say first clear the light guide, nothing special, and 16% is hurt, and basic can keep the resident, not clear is in addition to the heaven's breath "besides, still can trigger what skills.

The skills that surface very pit dad, a level 50 unlock skills to add damage by 8%, but consider to use this passive is with at least two internal force generated the price of skills, it should exist some superimposition mechanism, I estimate (only is estimated, don't clap brick) at least in two internal force generation skills can fold to top 16%, 3 can fold to 24% when, and so on. So the passive to have its existence value, don't know you ever consider the punching build, all kinds of internal force generation skills collocation, really interesting, you may as well try, I think that is less than other professional monk skills reason, because we use different skills using order can produce the effect of different life.
3. Auxiliary to

To dismiss this because it is not like other auxiliary defense to skills resident, but it's a look very strong skills, this let monk became more resistance to beat a sober than against human occupation, this in the future in PVP would be interesting. But I don't recommend in high build dodge select him, because when the effect can evade flash, it also reduces the chance of trigger it as the field of strokes of active skills to benefits.

With other professional energy recovery spells, nothing characteristics, later income can be decreased.

Personal dislike most passive... In pve environment, it is difficult to overflow of the internal force redistribution of the monks, personal feeling bad effect, in the outbreak will help PVP.

Do not know everybody general will also choose several have CD skills, anyway I generally is two, so that its earnings will not ideal. But no matter what profession, there are always people who like to reduce CD skills, its accrual also is vague.

Who don't want to move speed? Hurry up, but being stage, especially the hell, of purgatory, or steady progress. Mf stage, its debut may high.

This passive experienced a large neff, the effect from 100 to 60, therefore its previous strong place. Now the effect is bad to say, but I still is to value it, it makes the monk back to the internal force be allowed, similar to the barbarian blood aspirations, and more active.

Finally the defenders said hot skills, and it benefits greatly depends on you the cause of death, if it's because of similar die operating error, so it's value high; If it's because of equipment can't, so I want to stand up and meaning may also is not big.
Well, a lot of ink, is want to put some temple popularity, help to understand new monk.

Source: http://stivelyblog.hostzi.com/?p=68

