
Economic emperor? Tells how to lead to the flood hack gold dollar

First of all, and I'm not of economics, more no concern about currency system problems, just about yourselves know a spade a spade.
Superficial is certain; If there is an error, of economics students correct!
1. The total amount of commodity prices in the circulation of commodities = real money amount (α) x unit of money circulation number (beta).
2. People cause money velocity (beta) increase, panic and hack gold improve hack the currency amount (alpha, so the total price increase. And the total commodity not increase, so the rising prices.
3. At the same time, because of the money flows, wealth concentrated at the hands of men; So inflation at the same time, the income of the average player not increase.
4. Therefore, people behavior led to the wealth of all players damaged, and not just the number of players were stolen.
A, hack and money velocity
In WOW, gold can imaginary money for precious metals. Because, even if the system Settings, the monster of gold dropped more and more of the total amount of gold, greatly exceed the speed of the real world of precious metals increase speed.
But, still don't like notes--can through the open managers crazy printing to lead to rapid expansion of the total amount of inflation.
The increase of total gold, or need to play the blame to loot.
A player of the trade union system criticism "money get money" of inflation will accelerate WOW, the idea of starting point really makes sense.
But just think: if BLZ expected a monster originally should fall 1.1 G, in order to join "money get money" that does not lead to higher inflation, it as long as set to play the blame-in any case itself only get 1.0 G,.
Monetary amount with the speed with which it accumulates only concerned, and it has nothing to do with the distribution form.
And in the open since CTM, prices in just two three months through several times, and why?
Admittedly, ICC consumption market weakness, late people a lot of money on one hand is accumulated; CTM high-grade shortages and early on one hand.
But if just two versions of the market is active degree is different, the price of gold is up to be.
For example: open after months of CWOW TBC, point card in the number of gold in fall. At that time, I was in the server, at least six months before TBC guide to the exchange rate of exchange gold basic didn't change.
And since the CTM truth is: not only the game soaring prices on the price of gold trading platform also sharp depreciation.
In such a short period of time, increase the total amount of gold so many times, obviously is not possible.
So where is the problem?
Remember political book of high school that sentence?-" circulation to have in the currency and commodity prices always is proportional to the amount of money, and the velocity into FanBiLi."
Formula is:
Commodity prices in the currency of the average total/unit circulation number need in the circulation of commodities of = of money
We know that, once put into market currency, short-term inside cannot be recovered, "the circulation of commodities to have in the money" might as well replaced with "the circulation of commodities in actual money gross (alpha" and can be regarded as fixed coefficient. Formula a change become:
The total amount of commodity prices in the circulation of commodities = real money amount (α) x unit of money circulation number (beta)
And the role of the people, it is a huge boost to the existing of gold COINS velocity (beta).
Once the money velocity improve, the market prices of goods can't think up all difficult.

Source: http://snowdoobdy.comule.com/?p=4

